Event Details

SQM Extraordinary Shareholder Meeting | Link to connect: https://juntasqm.evoting.cl/

April 24, 2024 10:00 AM EDT


 Open Corporation

 Securities Registry N°0184


By agreement of the Board of Directors of Sociedad Química y Minera de Chile S.A. (SQM) (the “Company”), an Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting has been summoned for 10:00 a.m. on April 24, 2024 (the “Meeting”), at our corporate offices located at El Trovador 4285, commune of Las Condes, to discuss the transaction contemplated in the Memorandum of Understanding signed by SQM and the National Copper Corporation (“Codelco”) dated December 27, 2023, and modified on March 20, 2024 (the “Memorandum”), in particular:

(a)        Management report on the status of negotiations between SQM and Codelco, particularly, whether the parties have reached agreement on the terms and conditions of the contracts that are being negotiated pursuant to the conditions set in the Memorandum, including those that were mentioned at the extraordinary shareholder meeting held on March 21, 2024.

(b)        Management presentation on the merits, opportunities, advantages, disadvantages and risks that the partnership with Codelco could form for SQM, as well as questions and comments from the shareholders. The viewpoints expressed by shareholders shall not possess binding authority upon the management of the Company, nor shall they discharge management from its responsibilities.

(c)        Discussion on the legal structure under which the partnership with Codelco would be executed, according to the status of the negotiations on the date of the Meeting, and the steps and legal requirements for its approval in accordance with the regulations of the Chilean Corporations Law and the by-laws of SQM.


The shareholders, who are registered in SQM’s Shareholders Registry at least five business days prior to the meeting, are entitled to participate in the aforementioned Meeting.

Remote participation will be allowed through a platform provided by E-Voting on the website https://juntasqm.evoting.cl. Interested shareholders or legal representatives who wish to participate should upload their power of attorney to the section “Gestión de Poderes” on the same website https://juntasqm.evoting.cl by April 24, 2024, where they will have to complete the form with the required information and attach the power of attorney and documentation validating the authority to grant it.


The qualification of powers of attorney, if applicable, shall be carried out on the same day and place of the Meeting, prior to the meeting from 9:00 am to 10:00 am. The reception process of powers of attorney who will physically attend the meeting will start as of April 11, 2024 via the email poderessqm@evoting.cl.